This is just another picture post to show what we've been up to lately with Jonas. We're trying to pack as much fun in as possible before the dreaded surgery on Thursday.
Jonas only played with the play dough for about five minutes before he got bored, even though I pulled out cookie cutters and showed him how it was okay to smash/pound it and everything. Oh well.
Jonas learned to kick a soccer ball at the park this weekend. At first he kept trying to pick it up with his hands, but he eventually got the hang of it. He's definitely right-footed, and he's definitely more interested in running away down the path or toward geese than playing soccer. Note Molly's tail doing a photobomb!
Then he decided to climb over Molly to get off her bed. In case it's not obvious, Jonas is totally digging Molly now. Since he's learned how to say "eye" and "nose," poor Molly gets her eyes poked a lot as he proudly demonstrates his knowledge by pointing them out on her. She handles it well.
This picture is from last week when we were at one of Jonas's many doctor appointments. He's seeing all sorts of specialists before his surgery, so he's gotten very used to waiting rooms, screening stickers (that blue apple on him), hospital bracelets, and being examined. And check out that pose he does with his hands! They totally must have taught him that at the orphanage, because anytime he realizes I'm taking a picture of him, that's what he does.
Two more days of fun before surgery day. I've been giving his pointy little head lots of extra rubs and kisses!
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